By Lee Ann Jarrousse
The 2016 American Hospital Association Environmental Scan provides insight and information about market forces that have a high probability of affecting the health care field.
It is designed to help hospital and health system leaders better understand the health care landscape and the critical issues and emerging trends their organizations likely will face in the foreseeable future. The 2016 Environmental Scan is compiled from nationally recognized sources with recommendations from select AHA governance committees. Notable this year is the pace of change health care markets are experiencing and is a common theme running throughout the topics presented in the Environmental Scan. Moreover, health care also is a local phenomenon, with the pace of change being relative and varying from market to market.
The scan is produced by Gene J. O’Dell, the AHA’s vice president for strategic planning and performance excellence, with assistance from Donna J. Aspy, planning and operations manager, leadership and business development. Lee Ann Jarousse, H&HN’s senior editor of custom publications, compiled the information.