
Analyst Price Target Update on Alphatec Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATEC)

Alphatec Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATEC): The mean short term price target for Alphatec Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATEC) has been established at $2.5 per share. The higher price target estimate is at $3 and the lower price target estimate is expected at $2 according to 2 Analyst. The stock price is expected to vary based on the estimate which is suggested by the standard deviation value of $0.71

As many as 3 brokerage firms have rated Alphatec Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATEC) at 1.67. Research Analysts at Zacks have ranked the company at 4, suggesting the traders with a rating of sell for the short term. The stock garnered a place in the hold list of 1 stock Analysts. 2 analysts rated the company as a strong buy.

Currently the company Insiders own 35.6% of Alphatec Holdings, Inc. shares according to the proxy statements. In the past twelve weeks, the net percent change held by company insiders has changed by 10.65% . Institutional Investors own 29.84% of Alphatec Holdings, Inc. shares. During last six month period, the net percent change held by insiders has seen a change of 13.48%. Many analysts have commented on the company rating. Equity Analysts at the Canaccord Genuity downgrades the rating on Alphatec Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATEC). The brokerage firm has issued a Hold rating on the shares. The shares were previously rated Buy. The Analysts at the ratings agency lowers the price target from $2.5 per share to $1 per share. The rating by the firm was issued on August 5, 2015.


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