CONMED Corporation (NASDAQ:CNMD)’s Company Shares Increased 4.48% After Low Volatility

By Justin Falconi

The shares of CONMED Corporation (NASDAQ:CNMD) increased by 4.48% in the last 20 days but lost 3.66% in the past 5 trading sessions. CONMED Corporation (NASDAQ:CNMD) shares opened at $40.80 in the last session and had intraday high of $41.56 and low of $40.66 for a lower than normal intra-day volatility. Stock trading is easier when the volatility profile is such.

About 56,744 shares traded hands. CONMED Corporation (NASDAQ:CNMD) has declined 25.89% since May 11, 2015 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 21.48% the S&P500.

The institutional sentiment decreased to 1.05 in Q3 2015. Its down 0.10, from 1.15 in 2015Q2. The ratio dived, as 20 funds sold all CONMED Corporation shares owned while 54 reduced positions. 19 funds bought stakes while 59 increased positions. They now own 35.66 million shares or 32.64% more from 26.88 million shares in 2015Q2.

Coppersmith Capital Management Llc holds 72.61% of its portfolio in CONMED Corporation for 1.63 million shares. Krensavage Asset Management Llc owns 274,528 shares or 4.74% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Netols Asset Management Inc. has 1.59% invested in the company for 147,198 shares. The New York-based Visium Asset Management Lp has invested 1.53% in the stock. Investment Counselors Of Maryland Llc, a Maryland-based fund reported 325,823 shares.


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