Diener Implants Announces Strategic Partnership with 3dpac


Diener Implants GmbH, a contract manufacturer for medical devices, today announced their strategic partnership with 3dpac by steripac, a German specialist for medical device packaging, to offer implants sterile packed to their customers.

The 3dpac is a proprietary blister system developed by steripac that ensures the optimal position fixation of sensitive products like 3D printed implants within the sterile barrier: Implants are embedded in a thermally individually shaped fixing inlay in the primary blister in a stable position. The fixation inlay is formed thermally during the packaging process using the implant geometry as a shaped body. Therefore, the inlay always covers the product like a second skin and offers uncompromising safety. This provides flexibility and solves the typical problems standard blister and pouch packaging has with products of different geometries and sizes like e.g. spinal fusion cages. Tooling cost is significantly reduced.

By offering 3dpac as standard packaging, Diener Implants is reducing the usual lead time for designing and validating sterile packaging. Diener Implants and their partners also understand the relevant regulatory environment and respective requirements a sterile product has to comply with. Therefore, established and validated processes ensure several years of shelf life right from the first series production, saving the customer time-to market and help reduce cost. Having a standard set of process validations, also provides an opportunity for transferring production or establishing a second manufacturing and sterilization source within a short timeframe.

About Diener Implants

Diener Implants GmbH, founded in 2009 by Guntmar Eisen, Carolin Baur and Michael Baur, is specialized in orthopedic implant manufacturing with capabilities in both traditional high precision CNC machining as well as additive implant manufacturing using the SLM technology. Diener Implants is located in Tuttlingen, the center of the Medical Valley in Germany.

Guntmar Eisen has a long history as an entrepreneur in the spine and orthopedic market and was Co-Founder and President of Paradigm Spine (now RTI Surgical Holdings, Inc.) and Founder and CEO of EIT Emerging Implant Technologies (now Johnson&Johnson DepuySynthes). Mr. and Mrs. Baur are the owners of Christian Diener GmbH & Co. KG, an orthopedic instrument company founded in 1900, specializing on orthopedic and spinal instruments.

For more, please visit http://www.diener-implants.de

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