Pharmacy staff who prepare IV drugs inside hospitals are the latest health care workers decrying a shortage of masks as they scramble to prepare medicines for patients with diagnoses ranging from cancer to COVID-19.
The staff wear surgical masks while preparing liquid medications that are to be injected into patients’ veins; the point is to avoid inadvertently exhaling any droplets of saliva into the formulas. That’s a crucial step in ensuring that the medication remains sterile. In addition, pharmacists need N95 respirator masks to protect themselves as they counsel patients in hospitals.
But pharmacists tend to be, perhaps understandably, behind front-line medical providers who are treating COVID-19 patients as supplies of both types of scarce protective masks are being doled out.
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists surveyed about 400 members about the shortages.
“I can tell you we had some very concerned members who indicated that they’re in danger of running out,” said Michael Ganio, a pharmacist and director of pharmacy practice and quality with the pharmacists group. “Over half said their institution has implemented a conservation plan. It’s something that’s very concerning.”