H2 Health: Uber-Comprehensive Physical Therapy (Part I)

Elizabeth Hofheinz, M.P.H., M.Ed.

If it’s on a list of ailments associated with the moving body, there is a good chance that H2 Health, a physical therapy (PT) powerhouse with locations in Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Oklahoma and Texas, can handle it. H2 Health, which prides itself on 50 years of community service, goes far beyond a typical PT facility.

Movement Specialists

“There remain many people who aren’t aware of the vast benefits of physical therapy,” says John Kovacs, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at H2 Health. “We will not just work from a diagnosis but will consider how the whole body is interconnected. At H2 Health, we are movement specialists.”

Extremely well integrated into local orthopedic practices, H2 Health is a trusted member of the care team. “Our talented clinicians have a deep well of trust between them and the local orthopedic surgeons,” says Kovacs. “While sometimes patients are referred to us by those surgeons and have an accompanying prescription, often, they just send patients over and let us create a plan for getting someone moving, setting range of motion (ROM) and strengthening goals.”

Red flags get reported

“If we see any red flags as far as the patient’s progress or condition, we have the ability to call or text the physician or nurse directly,” states Kovacs. “For example, in the case of an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, most surgeons opt to start ROM exercises quickly. So, our clinicians are looking for any increased redness or swelling, as well as uncommon abnormalities that we may discover in our treatment plan.”

Continuing with this example, Kovacs notes, “In the first four weeks we aim to get the knee ROM up to 90 degrees of flexion, with 0 extension as soon as possible. That is followed by isometric strengthening and isokinetic exercises with more resistance. And when that patient starts more progressive strengthening, the orthopedic surgeons typically leave it up to our clinicians to decide how to best get them to those goals.”

Formerly known as Heartland Rehabilitation Services, H2 Health branched out in February 2020 with new leadership to focus solely on growing outpatient rehabilitation and the communities we serve. “We are proud to offer exceptional service to our community, which includes outreach for covering local athletics. We provide athletic trainers and physical therapists for whatever sports keep the population moving. And as soon as the pandemic has eased up, we can resume our work with senior centers where we offered fall prevention training and education on the benefits of PT.”

Walk-in PT

And unlike with many PT practices, H2 Health has direct access to the patient population. “In the majority of states where we are located, people can come see us without a recommendation or referral. Overall, we try to make things as easy and personal as possible. Our clinical experts are here to focus on you, achieving your goals and having fun at the same time”. 

All H2 Health clinicians are trained in soft tissue techniques, such as Augmented Soft Tissue Mobilization (ASTYM). Kovacs: “With this technique—which is supported by solid data—we use plastic synthetic tools to decrease the scar tissue around chronic and overuse injuries. It is ideal for plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, tennis elbow and general thickening of tissue associated with old injury sites. This technique, which is relatively pain-free, sends a signal to the brain saying, ‘This needs to be addressed.’ It allows our certified providers to attack the root of an old injury and clean up the area of old scar tissue. It enables new collagen, blood and oxygen to repair the injury site to its proper functional movement path with no pain.”

One area where this is helpful is the clinic’s diabetic population. “Whether people have a pump inserted or have multiple injection sites, they may find it more and more difficult to inject into these areas and achieve a positive absorption rate. With ASTYM, we are able to decrease scar tissue build-up in these areas and allow oxygen and blood flow to return.”

As for patients who undergo orthopedic surgery and need rehab, H2 Health does its utmost to ensure that the most talented people are on staff. “We take great care in hiring as we want to ensure that our people can foster not only top-notch care but possess the personality skills to build trust and approach care from a holistic viewpoint. Yes, PT is serious, but making it fun as well leaves patients more excited to come back to treatment the next time.”

With the company’s new slogan—“Dare to Make a Difference”—H2 Health is challenging its employees…all the while challenging their patients to be their very best.

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