Montreal, Canada, May 26, 2022 – OrthoSpineNews – Numalogics Inc. unveils today its world-class finite element model (FEM) of the spine to industry and to the spine medical community. This virtual biomechanical model of the spine is intended to help bring innovation to spine surgery.
The evolution of simulation technology and biomechanics research have made it possible to create representative digital models of the spine and joints. The spine team at Numalogics, in combination with leading spine surgeons, have spent years developing a robust spine model. To date, numaSpine has been used by a variety of implant manufacturers and spine surgeons to help make critical decisions in the concept and development phases of new devices and techniques. One of the users of numaSpine is Professor Heiko Koller, President of the Cervical Spine Research Society in Europe: “Finite element modeling and simulation is a powerful tool to help us innovate in the field of spine surgery. We can test and evaluate new product design concepts and find ways to optimize the surgical approach in a much shorter amount of time, and most importantly, with zero risk to humans. I chose to work with Numalogics in one of my research projects based on their expertise and FEM of the spine.”
Computer modeling and simulation is gaining credibility beyond its traditional uses in research and development. Regulatory bodies will accept simulation data as part of regulatory submissions. In December 2021, the FDA issued its first draft guidance on this matter. In new product launches, finite element studies are used to generate scientifically backed data to demonstrate device performance in clinical-like conditions. Should the models undergo extensive verification and validation activities, these studies are eligible for peer-review publication.
Numalogics sees other uses of the spine model. Eric Gaudreau, President of Numalogics says: “We have been working to elevate our spine model to a point where it can be easily used by spine surgeons. Using automation, our surgical planning tool will enable doctors to import patient images and try different surgical approaches, all on the computer, prior to or during surgery.”
About Numalogics Inc.
Numalogics specializes in computer modeling and simulation for the medical device, sports equipment, and military industries. In addition to providing consulting services that can help solve product development and innovation challenges, Numalogics is carving a path to develop easy-to-use software applications that would allow product innovators and surgeon to perform simulations, without requiring the dedicated skill and experience. Numalogics is an active member of the ASME V&V 40, ensuring that best practices are used for model credibility and applicability demonstration.
For additional information on numaSpine, please contact info@numalogics.com