SPOKANE, Wash., Feb. 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Dr. David F. Scott, a leading orthopedic surgeon and researcher, was recently published in The Journal of Arthroplasty for research exploring the improved outcomes of medial-stabilized knee implants in conjunction with Kinematic Alignment.
This research compares the outcomes of the kinematic alignment surgical approach with two different implant options. The basis of the kinematic alignment approach is to mimic the anatomy of the normal knee, giving it the opportunity to return to pre-operation function. This differs considerably from the most common approach used by most surgeons, mechanical alignment, which does not consider the individual anatomy of the patient’s knee.
Dr. Scott has published and researched extensively in the field of orthopedics, especially on the topic of knee replacement and implant design. By employing the Kinematic Alignment approach in his own surgical procedures, he has seen the benefits and improved outcomes in relation to overall knee function and post-op satisfaction. In this scientific manuscript, Dr. Scott reports that the clinical results over the course of two years after knee replacement with a Kinematic Alignment surgical approach, and with the utilization of a medial-stabilized implant, were substantially better than with a standard, more widely used implant.
For more of Dr. Scott’s research, visit orthospecialtyclinic.com/our-research.
About Dr. David F. Scott
Dr. Scott completed his orthopedic residency in New York City at the Hospital for Joint Diseases. He received fellowship training in adult reconstruction at the University of Utah, where he was an adjunct assistant professor at the School of Medicine for over five years. He is currently a clinical instructor at UW School of Medicine, and a Clinical Associate Professor at Washington State University, and specializes in arthritis surgery with an emphasis on joint replacement. David F. Scott, MD is an active member of the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons. His practice, Orthopaedic Specialty Clinic, is based in Spokane, Washington. For more information about OSC, visit orthospecialtyclinic.com.
SOURCE: Dr. David F. Scott