By Stephanie Nicolas
K2M Group Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:KTWO) has lost 6.99% during the past week and dropped 8.51% in the last 4 weeks. The shares are however, negative as compared to the S&P 500 for the past week with a loss of 5.82%. K2M Group Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:KTWO) has underperformed the index by 8.55% in the last 4 weeks. Investors should watch out for further signals and trade with caution.
K2M Group Holdings, Inc. has dropped 5.76% during the last 3-month period . Year-to-Date the stock performance stands at 1.96%. The company shares have rallied 34.85% in the past 52 Weeks. On June 1, 2015 The shares registered one year high of $26.29 and one year low was seen on September 29, 2014 at $12.31. The 50-day moving average is $23.56 and the 200 day moving average is recorded at $22.43. S&P 500 has rallied 7.26% during the last 52-weeks.
The company has received recommendation from many analysts. 2 analysts have rated the company as a strong buy. 5 analysts have suggested buy for the company.
On a different note, The Company has disclosed insider buying and selling activities to the Securities Exchange, The Securities and Exchange Commission has divulged that Ferrer Carlos A, director of K2m Group Holdings, Inc., had unloaded 86,407 shares at an average price of $22.37 in a transaction dated on July 17, 2015. The total value of the transaction was worth $1,932,925.