January 31, 2018 – By Tiziano Marovino, DPT, MPH, DAIPM
About the Device
Product: OSKA Pulse, a pulsed electromagnetic field wearable device
Indication: This nonprescriptive, FDA-registered Medical Device Class 1 is manufacturer-
indicated for acute or persistent pain due to injury in the back, knee, muscles, and joints, or as a result of other pain-related conditions such as sciatica, plantar fasciitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Application: The portable, self-managed device may be worn under or over clothing at the site of pain via velcro straps as a standalone or complement to physical therapy.
Specifications: 5.2” x 3.5” x 1.25”; 8 ounces
Price: $399.99
Manufacturer: OSKA Wellness, Carlsbad, CA
Noteworthy: Released in 2016, the OSKA Pulse received the 2017 Tech.Co Startup of the Year and has been successfully trialed among US Special Forces. View a double-blind study of the device.
Patient Sample & Trial Conditions
A mini trial was conducted at a free-standing outpatient chronic pain center in Ypsilanti, Michigan, where a multi-disciplinary approach is utilized to treat persistent pain. All participating subjects provided informed consent.
Patients (n = 26) tested the device over a period of five to six weeks. Participants exhibited with a range of conditions: low back pain conditions including degenerative disc disease, radiculopathy, facet syndrome, idiopathic low back pain, and spinal osteoarthritis; as well as cervical radiculopathy; whiplash; cervical spine osteoarthritis; facet joint fixation/subluxation; chondromalacia; osteoarthritis or arthrofibrosis of the knee; patellar subluxation syndrome; ankle sprain; plantar fasciitis; shoulder rotator-cuff syndrome; fibromyalgia; vasculitis; and chronic venous insufficiency.
The short-term trial included brief exposures to the device in the clinical setting, for approximately 30 minutes per day, twice a week. On average, patients used the device three to five times in total at the site of pain. Limited blinding was applied to those reporting pain relief. Testing also included effect on increased perfusion immediately post-treatment using an O2 biosensor at the capillary level.
Photo Courtesy of OSKA Wellness