By Rachel Kessler
InVivo Therapeutics, a company in Cambridge, MA, is developing a new way to treat patients with acute thoracic spinal cord injuries, a patient population that has never had any viable therapeutic options for recovery. We caught up with Mr. Mark Perrin, CEO and Chairman of the Board of InVivo Therapeutics, who took over leadership of the company last year on a mission to fill that treatment void and become the leader in developing innovative products for spinal cord injury.
Rachel Kessler, Medgadget: I understand that the new treatment you are advocating could potentially change the standard of care for spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. What is this new treatment?
Mr. Perrin: The new treatment includes both a new surgical approach as well as the use of our Neuro-Spinal Scaffold. Following the injury, a myelotomy (surgical incision of the spinal cord) is performed to remove the liquefied necrotic material, which both reduces the pressure in the spinal cord and creates a cavity for our Neuro-Spinal Scaffold.