BALTIMORE, Aug. 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — DT MedTech, LLC (DTMT) announced today that having secured CE Marking for the Hintermann Series H3™ total ankle replacement devices, in compliance with mandatory European Directives, they are now actively selling and distributing their products outside the USA.
The DTMT Hintermann Series products for the lower extremity include: (1) Hintermann Series H3™ three-piece Total Ankle Replacement prosthesis, comprising the Standard, Sensitive, and Revision systems (formerly known as the HINTEGRA Total Ankle Replacement prosthesis); (2) Kalix® II subtalar arthrodesis implant to treat flatfoot deformities; and (3) instrumentation to support the implantable devices. Developed by prominent surgeon, Prof. Beat Hintermann, this Total Ankle Replacement system is a proven, dominant player in the worldwide ankle replacement market with over 15 years of solid clinical efficacy.
The Hintermann Series product line has been approved for use in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada,Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg,Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Panama, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, UAE, and the United Kingdom.
Distribution channels have been secured to handle products in approved countries, with HealthLink Europe BV delivering the majority of logistics outside the USA.
David Reicher, President and Chief Executive Officer of DTMT, stated, “Through hard work and sheer determination, everyone at DT MedTech can finally see the successful results of their efforts. We thank them all. Any questions our customers may have should be directed to Ms. Jeannie Sarda at or by calling her at 877-494-2252, in the USA. In addition, customers can contact DT MedTech at and or by calling +31(0)73-3032537, outside the USA.”
About DT MedTech, LLC
DT MedTech, LLC, parent company to DT MedTech International Limited (the operating company), maintains offices inBaltimore, Maryland; Salt Lake City, Utah; Dublin, Ireland; Saint-Louis, France; and Liestal, Switzerland. As a member of the Data Trace family of businesses, leaders in scientific and medical publishing, marketing, medical malpractice insurance, and information services for more than 29 years, DTMT provides innovative surgical solutions for lower extremity surgeons with state-of-the-art devices, such as The Hintermann Series H3™ Total Ankle Replacement, H3 Revision, and H3 Sensitive prostheses.
Jeannie Sarda
DT MedTech, LLC