Insider Selling: Stryker Director Sells 14,000 Shares of Stock (SYK)
Posted by Jim Brewer
Stryker (NYSE:SYK) Director Ronda E. Stryker unloaded 14,000 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Friday, August 22nd. The shares were sold at an average price of $82.34, for a total transaction of $1,152,760.00. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now directly owns 174,605 shares in the company, valued at approximately $14,376,976. The sale was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this link.
Shares of Stryker (NYSE:SYK) opened at 82.93 on Tuesday. Stryker has a 1-year low of $66.44 and a 1-year high of $86.93. The stock has a 50-day moving average of $81.51 and a 200-day moving average of $81.57. The company has a market cap of $31.396 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 46.33.
Stryker (NYSE:SYK) last issued its quarterly earnings data on Thursday, July 17th. The company reported $1.08 earnings per share (EPS) for the quarter, meeting the consensus estimate of $1.08. The company had revenue of $2.36 billion for the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $2.35 billion. During the same quarter in the previous year, the company posted $1.00 earnings per share. The company’s revenue for the quarter was up 6.8% on a year-over-year basis. Analysts expect that Stryker will post $4.77 EPS for the current fiscal year.
The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which is scheduled for Friday, October 31st. Shareholders of record on Tuesday, September 30th will be paid a dividend of $0.305 per share. This represents a $1.22 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of 1.47%. The ex-dividend date is Friday, September 26th.
Several analysts have recently commented on the stock. Analysts at Needham & Company LLC upgraded shares of Stryker from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a research note on Tuesday, August 12th. Separately, analysts at Zacks reiterated a “neutral” rating on shares of Stryker in a research note on Monday, July 21st. They now have a $86.00 price target on the stock. Finally, analysts at Citigroup Inc. reiterated a “neutral” rating on shares of Stryker in a research note on Monday, July 21st. They now have a $90.00 price target on the stock, up previously from $85.00. Eight equities research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and eight have issued a buy rating to the company. The stock currently has an average rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of $86.18.
Stryker Corporation (NYSE:SYK) is a medical technology company.